Ü   ENDSR (End of Subroutine)

§  It represents the end of a subroutine.

Factor 1


Factor 2

Result Field

Resulting Indicators

       HI                            LO                      EQ



Return point








In the program below, we are using return point define how the program should continue processing after reaching the ENDSR.


Columns . . . :    6  80               Browse                                AMINEM/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                               PSSR_PGM
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ****************************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*SRCSTMT)                                                               130122
0002.00 DMYPSDS          SDS                                                            130121
0003.00 DPROC_NAME          *PROC                                                       130121
0004.00  * Procedure name                                                               130121
0005.00 DPGM_STATUS         *STATUS                                                     130122
0006.00  * Status code                                                                  130121
0007.00                                                                                 130121
0008.00 D LINE_NUM               21     28                                              130121
0009.00  * Source statement line no.                                                    130122
0010.00                                                                                 130121
0011.00 DA                S              2  0 INZ(*ZEROS)                               130122
0012.00 DB                S              2  0 INZ(10)                                   130122
0013.00 DC                S              2  0 INZ(*ZEROS)                               130122
0014.00 D@ERR             S             50    INZ(*BLANKS)                              130122
0015.00 C     B             DIV       A             C                    667788         130122
0016.00 C     TAG1          TAG                                                         130122
0017.00 C     'C=Infinite'  DSPLY                                                       130122
0018.00 C                   SETON                                        LR             130122
0019.00 C     *PSSR         BEGSR                                                       130122
0020.00 C                   IF        PGM_STATUS=00102                                  130122
0021.00 C                   EVAL      @ERR='Error at line no.'+                         130122
0022.00 C                                  LINE_NUM + ' with status code '+             130122
0023.00 c                                  %CHAR(PGM_STATUS)                            130122
0024.00 C     @ERR          DSPLY                                                       130122
0025.00 C                   GOTO      TAG1                                              130122
0026.00 C*                  MOVE      '*GETIN'      Retur             6    >>>>>>>>>>>  130122
0027.00 C                   ELSE                                                        130122
0028.00 C     'FATAL ERR'   DSPLY                                                       130122
0029.00 C                   MOVE      '*CANCL'      Retur                  >>>>>>>>>>>  130122
0030.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130122
0031.00 C                   ENDSR     Retur           >>>>>>>>>>>>> Using return point  130122
****************** End of data *******************************************************



Here, *GETIN is equivalent to ‘G’. The control of the program will return to the start of the main section. *CANCEL will simply end the program.




Label use:


On the ENDSR, We can mention the Label in factor-1. Suppose while we are inside a subroutine and after processing some lines we want to go directly to ENDSR, for this we can use Label as in the example below.


0122.00      C           VALID     BEGSR                                       
0123.00      C           PTNUM     CHAINREC2                 85    |           
0124.00      C           PTNUM     IFEQ *BLANKS                    |           
0125.00      C                     MOVELARY,1     MSG2             |           
0126.00      C                     SETON                     20    |           
0127.00      C                     GOTO AAA                        | >>>>>>>> Control goes
0128.00      C                     ENDIF                           |           to ENDSR
0129.00      C           PTNAME    IFEQ *BLANKS                    |      
0130.00      C                     MOVELARY,2     MSG2             | 
0131.00      C                     SETON                     21    |
0132.00      C                     GOTO AAA                        | >>>>>>>> Control goes
0133.00      C                     ENDIF                           |            to ENDSR
0134.00      C           PTADDR    IFEQ *BLANKS                    |           
0136.00      C                     MOVELARY,3     MSG2             |           
0137.00      C                     SETON                     22    |           
0138.00      C                     GOTO AAA                        |           
0139.00      C                     ENDIF                           |           
0145.00      C           AAA       ENDSR                           |>>>>>>>>> LABEL ‘AAA’



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