·         This command is used to send impromptu message (messages i.e. not predefined) to the user/system operator/workstation/history log.

·         It can be used in CL program or on command line directly.

·         The format of this command is:

SNDMSG  MSG(‘message text’)
        TOUSR(user name/*SYSOPR/*ALLACT/*REQUESTER)       
        TOMSGQ(user queue name/workstation queue name/*SYSOPR/QHST)
        RPYMSGQ(user queue name/workstation queue name/*SYSOPR)


·         TOUSR and TOMSGQ parameter is mutually exclusive. Only one should be mentioned at a time.

·         If TOUSR=*SYSOPR, then the message is sent to the system operator.

·         If TOUSR=*ALLACT, then the message is sent to all active users.

·         If TOUSR=*REQUESTER, then the message is sent to the user who is running the interactive job or to QSYSOPR.

·         If TOMSG=QHST, then the message is sent to history log.



Example-I: Sending message to user AJAISWAL and get the reply to user AMIT



SNDMSG MSG('Do u want to continue the process') 



                                                       System:   SYSTEM005      
 Queue . . . . . :   AJAISWAL                Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG       
   Library . . . :     QUSRSYS                 Library . . . :                 
 Severity  . . . :   00                      Delivery  . . . :   *NOTIFY       
 Type reply (if required), press Enter.                                        
   From  . . . :   AJAISWAL       23/04/13   08:47:12                          
   Do u want to continue the process                                           
    Reply . . .  N__________________________________________________________

 F3=Exit              F11=Remove a message                 F12=Cancel          
 F13=Remove all       F16=Remove all except unanswered     F24=More keys       





We can see the reply message in the user profile AMIT.


                                Display Messages                               
                                                       System:   SYSTEM05      
 Queue . . . . . :   AMIT                    Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG       
   Library . . . :     QUSRSYS                 Library . . . :                 
 Severity  . . . :   00                      Delivery  . . . :   *NOTIFY       
 Type reply (if required), press Enter.
   From  . . . :   AJAISWAL       23/04/13   08:47:12                          
   Do u want to continue the process                                           
     Reply . . :   N                                                           
 F3=Exit              F11=Remove a message                 F12=Cancel          
 F13=Remove all       F16=Remove all except unanswered     F24=More keys       



Example-II: Sending message to workstation UKF and get the reply to the same workstation



SNDMSG   MSG('Do u want to continue the backup process') 




                                Display Messages                               
                                                       System:   SYSTEM05      
 Queue . . . . . :   UKF                     Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG       
   Library . . . :     QSYS                    Library . . . :                 
 Severity  . . . :   00                      Delivery  . . . :   *NOTIFY       
 Type reply (if required), press Enter.                                        
   From  . . . :   AJAISWAL       23/04/13   07:50:53                          
   Do u want to continue the backup process                                   
     Reply . . . __________________________________________________ 
 F3=Exit              F11=Remove a message                 F12=Cancel          
 F13=Remove all       F16=Remove all except unanswered     F24=More keys       



We send the reply as ‘Y’. The reply is sent to the workstation as RPYMSGQ is *WRKSTN. We can check the reply as below.







                                Display Messages                               
                                                       System:   SYSTEM05      
 Queue . . . . . :   UKF                     Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG       
   Library . . . :     QSYS                    Library . . . :                 
 Severity  . . . :   00                      Delivery  . . . :   *NOTIFY       
 Type reply (if required), press Enter.                                        
   From  . . . :   AJAISWAL       23/04/13   07:50:53                          
   Do u want to continue the backup process                                   
     Reply . . :   Y                                                           
 F3=Exit              F11=Remove a message                 F12=Cancel          
 F13=Remove all       F16=Remove all except unanswered     F24=More keys 





Example-III: Sending message to history log

SNDMSG   MSG('Errors in the batch program at checkpoint 328.20')  


DSPLOG PERIOD(('01:01:01' '23/04/13') ('11:21:31' '22/04/13'))      



                          Display History Log Contents                         
 Job 725522/QSYS/CRTPFRDTA ended on 23/04/13 at 00:00:08; 2.738 seconds used;  
 Job 725643/QTMHHTTP/ADMIN started on 23/04/13 at 00:00:16 in subsystem QHTTPS 
 Job 725643/QTMHHTTP/ADMIN ended on 23/04/13 at 00:00:17; .028 seconds used; e 
 Errors in the batch program at checkpoint 328.20 …….. …..
 Press Enter to continue.                                                      
 F3=Exit   F10=Display all   F12=Cancel                                        




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