There are some keywords that are used while making the HELP screen as described below:


Ü   ALTHELP (Alternative Help Key)


·         This is file level/record level keyword.

·         As the name signifies, it is used to mention what should be alternative help key for F1. As F1 by default is the help key.

·         The structure of ALTHELP is :


CAnn = CA01 through CA24

ALTHELP = ALTHELP(CA01)by default.

Here if we mention ALTHELP(CA11), then F11 will be used for help key instead of F1.







Below topic on “Display HELP screen” shows the use of ALTHELP keyword.








·         This keyword is used to enable the HELP key for the display screen.

·         This can be used at file level or record level.

·         This help keyword is used to display the help text  for any field or for the whole screen which gives the information about all the fields on the screen.

·         The HELP keyword is used as shown in the below example:






Ü   HLPARA ( Help Area)


·         This keyword is used to define the area inside which if we place the cursor and press help key(F1), then the second level message is displayed.

·         The help area can be of the below format:


Ø  HLPARA(01 001 02 80)

It represents an area within top-line, left-position, bottom-line, right-position



It represents the area of the records having H record type.



It represents the area of the field.



It represents that no area is available for HELP.








Ü   Display HELP screen



The steps to create the HELP screen (using HELP PANEL GROUP) are given below:



Step (1):   First of all we create a source member of type PNLGRP as shown below:



                       Start Source Entry Utility (STRSEU)                     
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                    
 Source file  . . . . . . . . . . > QRPGLESRC     Name, *PRV                   
   Library  . . . . . . . . . . . >   AMIT        Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB, *PRV   
 Source member  . . . . . . . . .   HACCOUNT      Name, *PRV, *SELECT          
 Source type  . . . . . . . . . .   PNLGRP        Name, *SAME, BAS, BASP...    
 Text 'description' . . . . . . .   ACCOUNT HELP PANEL GROUP                   
 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display   
 F24=More keys                                                                 



Now write the source code as below. The source code is filled with some tags that has been described just after this source codes.                                                                        


Columns . . . :    1  80              Browse                          AMIT/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                      HACCOUNT
FMT **  ...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+..
*************** Beginning of data **************************************************
0001.00 .***********************************************************                        
0001.01 .**** THIS IS HELP PANEL GROUP FOR ACCOUNT MAIN SCREEN******                        
0001.02 .***********************************************************                        
0002.00 :PNLGRP.                                                                            
0002.01 .*                                                                                  
0002.02 :HELP NAME=HEAD.                                                                    
0002.03 .*                                                                                  
0002.04 ACCOUNT RELATED INFO                                                                
0002.06 .*                                                                                  
0002.08 .*                                                                                  
0002.09 :EHELP.                                                                             
0002.10 .*                                                                                  
0002.11 :HELP NAME=ORG.                                                                     
0002.12 .*                                                                                  
0002.13 ORG CODE                                                                            
0002.14 :xh3.ORG CODE                                                                       
0002.15 .*                                                                                  
0002.16 :P. THIS IS THE ORGANISATION CODE OF THE BRANCH.                                    
0002.17 .*                                                                                  
0002.18 :EHELP.                                                                             
0002.19 :HELP NAME=ACC.                                                                     
0002.20 .*                                                                                  
0002.21 ACCOUNT NO.                                                                          
0002.22 :xh3.ACCOUNT NO.                                                                    
0002.23 .*                                                                                   
0002.24 :P. THIS IS THE ACCOUNT NUMBER OF THE CUSTOMER.                                     
0002.25 .*                                                                                   
0002.26 :EHELP.                                                                             
0002.27 :HELP NAME=CCY.                                                                      
0002.28 .*                                                                                  
0002.29 CURRENCY                                                                             
0002.30 :xh3.CURRENCY                                                                       
0002.31 .*                                                                                   
0002.32 :P. THIS IS CURRENCY OF ACCOUNT NUMBER.                                             
0002.33 .*                                                                                   
0002.34 :EHELP.                                                                             
0002.35 .*                                                                                   
0002.36 :HELP NAME=PARTY.                                                                   
0002.38 PARTY NO.                                                                           
0002.39 :xh3.PARTY NO.                                                                      
0002.40 .*                                                                                  
0002.41 :P. THIS IS PARTY NUMBER IF THE CUSTOMER                                            
0002.42 .*                                                                                  
0002.43 :EHELP.                                                                             
0003.00 :EPNLGRP.                                                                           
0004.00 .********                                                                             
****************** End of data ******************************************************



Save the member.

                           Work with Members Using PDM                 USALID09
 File  . . . . . .   QRPGLESRC                                                 
   Library . . . .     AMIT                 Position to  . . . . .             
 Type options, press Enter.                                                    
  2=Edit         3=Copy  4=Delete 5=Display       6=Print     7=Rename         
  8=Display description  9=Save  13=Change text  14=Compile  15=Create module...
 Opt  Member      Type        Text                                             
      HACCOUNT    PLNGRP      ACCOUNT HELP PANEL GROUP                         
      LOAD_DSP    DSPF        LOAD ALL DISPLAY FILE                            
      LOAD_RPGLE  RPGLE       load all subfile INFDS SFLRCDNBR                 
      MASTER      PF          ACCOUNT PHYSICAL FILE                            
 Parameters or command                                                         
 F3=Exit          F4=Prompt             F5=Refresh            F6=Create        
 F9=Retrieve      F10=Command entry     F23=More options      F24=More keys    




Below are the HELP tags that have been used while writing the source code.



¤ UIM Help Tags


·         :pnlgrp is very first tag and :epnlgrp is the very last tag.

·         :help tag starts a help segment and :ehelp tag ends that.

o   The :help tag has name attribute.

o   The name attribute’s value identifies the help module.

·         :xhn for extended help headings, :xh3 particularly (*** It has no :exhn tag)

·         :p for each new paragraph (*** It has no :ep tag)





















Step (2):   Then we compile the source member with the command as given below:











Step (3):   After step (2), we create a display file and use the above help segments of panel group 

                  HACCOUNT at the position where we want the relevant help to appear.     




Columns . . . :    1  71           Browse                       AMIT/QRPGLESRC
 SEU==>                                                              ACC_DSPFCC
 FMT DP .....AAN01N02N03T.Name++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions++++++++++++++++++
        *************** Beginning of data *************************************
0001.00      A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)         
0002.00      A                                      CA03(03 'EXIT')            
0003.00      A                                      CA12(12 'PREVIOUS')        
0003.01      A                                      HELP                       
0003.02      A                                      ALTHELP                    
0003.03      A                                      HLPTITLE('***** A/C RELATED
0003.04      A                                      ****')                     
0003.05      A                                      HLPSCHIDX(AMIT/HACCOUNT)   
0004.00      A          R HEADER                                               
0004.01      A          H                           HLPPNLGRP(HEAD HACCOUNT)   
0004.02      A                                      HLPARA(01 001 02 80)       
0004.03      A          H                           HLPPNLGRP(ORG HACCOUNT)    
0004.04      A                                      HLPARA(*FLD S_ORG)          
0004.05      A          H                           HLPPNLGRP(ACC HACCOUNT)    
0004.06      A                                      HLPARA(*FLD S_ACC)         
0004.07      A          H                           HLPPNLGRP(CCY HACCOUNT)
0004.08      A                                      HLPARA(*FLD S_CCY)         
0004.09      A          H                           HLPPNLGRP(PARTY HACCOUNT)  
0004.10      A                                      HLPARA(*FLD S_PARTY)       
0005.00      A                                  1 30'ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY'    
0006.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0007.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0008.00      A                                  4 25'ORG'                      
0009.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0010.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0011.00      A            S_ORG          3S 0B  4 35                           
0011.01      A                                      FLDCSRPRG(S_ACC)           
0012.00      A  50                                  DSPATR(RI)                 
0013.00      A                                  5 25'ACC'                      
0014.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0015.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0016.00      A            S_ACC         12A  B  5 35                            
0016.01      A                                      FLDCSRPRG(S_CCY)   
0017.00      A  51                                  DSPATR(RI)                 
0018.00      A                                  6 25'CCY'                      
0019.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0020.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0021.00      A            S_CCY          3A  B  6 35                           
0021.01      A                                      FLDCSRPRG(S_PARTY)         
0022.00      A  52                                  DSPATR(RI)                 
0023.00      A                                  7 25'PARTY'                    
0024.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0025.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0026.00      A            S_PARTY       12A  B  7 35                           
0027.00      A  53                                  DSPATR(RI)                 
0028.00      A          R FOOTER                                               
0029.00      A                                      OVERLAY                    
0030.00      A                                 22  5'F3 = EXIT'                
0031.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0032.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU) 
0033.00      A                                 22 20'F12 = CANCEL'             
0034.00      A                                      DSPATR(HI)                 
0035.00      A                                      COLOR(BLU)                 
0036.00      A            S_MSG         30A  O 23  2                            
        ****************** End of data ****************************************

¤ Help panel Subfile Keyword



ALTHELP:     The format of the keyword is:                  


                      ALTHELP [(CAnn)


By default the value of CAnn will be CA01  i.e. on pressing F1 the help screen will appear.

Yet its value may vary from CA01 to CA24


The HELP keyword must also be specified with   ALTHELP.



HLPPNLGRP:  It specifies the help segment that is to be displayed on help screen and the panelgroup that

                            segment belong to.


                            HLPPNLGRP(HEAD HACCOUNT)


HLPARA:          Its parameter should specify any area/screen field on which of F1 is pressed, then the help   

                            screen appears.


                            HLPARA(01 001 02 80)       

                HLPARA(*FLD S_PARTY)       



Program that uses the above display file



Columns . . . :    6  76           Browse                       AMIT/QRPGLESRC
 SEU==>                                                              ACC_RPGLCC
 FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        *************** Beginning of data *************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*NODEBUGIO)                                                    
0002.00 H DEBUG(*YES)                                                          
0003.00 FACC_DSPFCCCF   E             WORKSTN                                  
0004.00 FACCOUNT   UF A E           K DISK                                     
0005.00 DDATA             S             30A                                    
0006.00 DERR              S             30A   DIM(4)                           
0007.00 D                                     CTDATA                           
0008.00 D                                     PERRCD(1)                        
0009.00 DINFO             S             30A   DIM(1)                           
0010.00 D                                     CTDATA                            
0011.00 D                                     PERRCD(1)                        
0012.00 Dtime_is          S               z                                    
0013.00 Dtime_isO         S             20                                     
0014.00 DCMD              S             25                                     
0015.00  *                                                                     
0016.00 DCURTIMSTP        DS                                    
0017.00 DCURTIMDATE               1     16S 0                                  
0018.00 DCURRYEAR                 1      4S 0                                  
0019.00 DCURRMONTH                5      6S 0                                  
0020.00 DCURRDAY                  7      8S 0                                  
0021.00 DCURRHRS                  9     10S 0                                  
0022.00 DCURRMINS                11     12S 0                                   
0023.00 DCURRSECS                13     16S 0                                  
0024.00 C                   SETOFF                                       505152
0025.00 C                   SETOFF                                       53    
0026.00 C                   MOVEL     *BLANKS       S_MSG                      
0027.00 C*                  EVAL      CMD='SNDPGMMSG MSGDTA("HI")+             
0028.00 C*                                 PGMQ(ACC_RPGLE)+                    
0029.00 C*                                 MSGF(ACPFMSG)+                      
0030.00 C*                                                                     
0031.00 C*                  MOVEL     25            LEN               2 0      
0032.00 C*                  CALL      'QCMDEXC'                                
0033.00 C*                  PARM                    CMD            
0034.00 C*                  PARM                    LEN                        
0035.00 C                   DOW       *IN03=*OFF                               
0036.00 C   03              LEAVE                                              
0037.00 C                   WRITE     HEADER                                   
0038.00 C                   WRITE     FOOTER                                    
0039.00 C                   READ      HEADER                                   
0040.00 C                   SETOFF                                       505152
0041.00 C                   SETOFF                                       53    
0042.00 C                   EVAL      S_MSG=*BLANKS                            
0043.00 C                   IF        S_ORG=*ZEROS                             
0044.00 C                   SETON                                        50    
0045.00 C                   MOVEL     ERR(1)        DATA                       
0046.00 C                   ELSEIF    S_ACC=*BLANKS                            
0047.00 C                   SETON                                        51    
0048.00 C                   MOVEL     ERR(2)        DATA                       
0049.00 C                   ELSEIF    S_CCY=*BLANKS                            
0050.00 C                   SETON                                        52  
0051.00 C                   MOVEL     ERR(3)        DATA                       
0052.00 C                   ELSEIF    S_PARTY=*BLANKS                          
0053.00 C                   SETON                                        53    
0054.00 C                   MOVEL     ERR(4)        DATA                       
0055.00 C                   ELSE                                               
0056.00 C                   MOVEL     *BLANKS       DATA                        
0057.00 C                   SETOFF                                       505152
0058.00 C                   SETOFF                                       53    
0059.00 C                   ENDIF                                              
0060.00 C                   MOVEL     DATA          S_MSG                      
0061.00  * JUST CHECK IF THE S_MSG IS BLANK OR NOT..                           
0062.00 C                   IF        S_MSG=*BLANKS                            
0063.00 C                   EVAL      ORG=S_ORG                                
0064.00 C                   EVAL      ACC=S_ACC                                
0065.00 C                   EVAL      CCY=S_CCY                                
0066.00 C                   EVAL      PARTY=S_PARTY                            
0067.00 C                   EVAL      ACCSTS=2 
0068.00 C                   EVAL      ENTSTS=1                                 
0069.00 C                   EVAL      VERSTS=1                                 
0070.00 C                   EVAL      AUTSTS=1                                 
0071.00 C                   EVAL      RECSTS=2                                 
0072.00  * CALCULATE THE TIME FOR THE CURRENT SYSTEM DATE                      
0073.00 C                   EVAL      TIMESTP=%TIMESTAMP()                     
0074.00 C                   EVAL      TIME_IS=%TIMESTAMP()                     
0075.00 C                   EVAL      TIME_ISO=%char(TIME_IS:*iso0)            
0076.00 C                   EVAL      CURRYEAR=%dec(%SUBST(TIMe_ISo:1:4):4:0)  
0077.00 C                   EVAL      CURRMONTH=%dec(%SUBST(TIMe_ISo:5:2):2:0) 
0078.00 C                   EVAL      CURRDAY=%dec(%SUBST(TIMe_ISo:7:2):2:0)   
0079.00 C                   EVAL      CURRHRS=%dec(%SUBST(TIMe_ISo:9:2):2:0)   
0080.00 C                   EVAL      CURRMINS=%dec(%SUBST(TIMe_ISo:11:2):2:0) 
0081.00 C                   EVAL      CURRSECS=%dec(%SUBST(TIMe_ISo:13:4):4:0) 
0082.00 C                   EVAL      OPENDT=%DEC(%editc(CURRYEAR:'X')+        
0083.00 C                                    %editc(CURRMONTH:'X')+            
0084.00 C                                    %editc(CURRDAY:'X'):10:0)         
0085.00 C                   WRITE     REC1                                     
0086.00 C                   MOVEL     INFO(1)       S_MSG                      
0087.00 C                   EVAL      S_ORG =*ZEROS                             
0088.00 C                   EVAL      S_ACC=*BLANKS                            
0089.00 C                   EVAL      S_CCY=*BLANKS                            
0090.00 C                   EVAL      S_PARTY=*BLANKS                          
0091.00 C                   ENDIF                                              
0092.00 C                   ENDDO                                              
0093.00 C                   SETON                                        LR    
0094.00 ** ERR  CTDATA                                            
0095.00 ORG CODE CAN NOT BE BLANK.                               
0096.00 ACC NUMBER CAN NOT BE BLANK.                             
0097.00 CURRENCY CAN NOT BE BLANK.                               
0098.00 PARTY NUMBER CANNOT BE BLANK.                            
0099.00 ** INFO CTDATA                                           
0100.00 THE RECORD HAS BEEN UPDATED.                                     
****************** End of data ****************************************






¤ Output


Below is the normal output screen that we get.


                             ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY                             
                        ORG     ______                                          
                        ACC     __________________               
                        CCY     ______                            
                        PARTY   __________________                        

    F3 = EXIT      F12 = CANCEL     

Now just press F1 on the 1st field ORG, we get the help screen related to this field as shown below.


                             ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY                             
                         ORG  _____                                                 
               :                           ORG CODE                           :
               :                                                              :
               :  THIS IS THE ORGANISATION CODE OF THE BRANCH.                :
               :                                                      Bottom  :
               :  F2=Extended help   F10=Move to top       F11=Search Index   :
               :  F12=Cancel   F13=Information Assistant   F24=More keys      :
               :                                                              :
    F3 = EXIT      F12 = CANCEL      

Similarly, for others fields also we get the help screen as shown below:



                             ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY                              
                        ORG     ______                                
                        ACC     ___________________                      
               :                         ACCOUNT NO.                          :
               :                                                              :
               :  THIS IS THE ACCOUNT NUMBER OF THE CUSTOMER.                 :
               :                                                      Bottom  :
               :  F2=Extended help   F10=Move to top       F11=Search Index   :
               :  F12=Cancel   F13=Information Assistant   F24=More keys      :
               :                                                              :

    F3 = EXIT      F12 = CANCEL             

                             ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY                             
                        ORG    _______                                   
                        ACC    ___________________                         
                        CCY    _______                                        
                        PARTY  ______..........................................
                                     :                CURRENCY                :
                                     :                                        :
                                     :  THIS IS CURRENCY OF ACCOUNT NUMBER.   :
                                     :                                Bottom  :
                                     :  F2=Extended help   F11=Search Index   :
                                     :  F12=Cancel         F24=More keys      :
                                     :                                        :
    F3 = EXIT      F12 = CANCEL    

                             ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY                             
                        ORG     _______                                          
                        ACC     _________________                         
                        CCY     _______                                           
                        PARTY   _________________                            
               :                          PARTY NO.                           :
               :                                                              :
               :  THIS IS PARTY NUMBER IF THE CUSTOMER                        :
               :                                                      Bottom  :
               :  F2=Extended help   F10=Move to top       F11=Search Index   :
               :  F12=Cancel   F13=Information Assistant   F24=More keys      :
               :                                                              :
    F3 = EXIT      F12 = CANCEL                                                




                             ACCOUNT ENTRY DISPLAY                             
 :                            ACCOUNT RELATED INFO                            :
 :                                                                            :
 :  ORG CODE                                                                  :
 :                                                                            :
 :      THIS IS THE ORGANISATION CODE OF THE BRANCH.                          :
 :                                                                            :
 :  ACCOUNT NO.                                                               :
 :                                                                            :
 :      THIS IS THE ACCOUNT NUMBER OF THE CUSTOMER.                           :
 :                                                                            :
 :  CURRENCY                                                                  :
 :                                                                            :
 :      THIS IS CURRENCY OF ACCOUNT NUMBER.                                   :
 :                                                                            :
 :  PARTY NO.                                                                 :
 :                                                                            :
 :      THIS IS PARTY NUMBER IF THE CUSTOMER                                  :
 :                                                                    Bottom  :
 :  F3=Exit help   F10=Move to top   F11=Search Index   F12=Cancel            :
 :  F13=Information Assistant        F14=Print help                           :
 :                                                                            :







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