A  45                                  SFLEND(*SCRBAR)  


Scrollbar appears if there are more records to be shown on the display screen.

It gives you an idea of how many more records are there to show.




A  45                                  SFLEND(*PLUS)  


+ sign appears if there are more records to be shown on the display screen.




A  45                                  SFLEND(*MORE)  


More... sign appears if there are more records to be shown on the display screen.

Bottom  sign appears If there are no more records







0034.00      A          R EXPD_CTL                  SFLCTL(EXPD_SFL)
0035.00      A                                      TEXT('Y')
0036.00      A                                      OVERLAY
0037.00      A  52                                  SFLDSP
0038.00      A  51                                  SFLDSPCTL
0039.00      A  50                                  SFLCLR
0040.00      A  45                                  SFLEND(*MORE)
0041.00      A                                      SFLSIZ(0006)
0042.00      A                                      SFLPAG(0005)
0043.00      A            FIRSTRRN       4S 0H      SFLRCDNBR(CURSOR)
0044.00      A                                  6 12'ORG CODE'
0045.00      A                                  6 27'ACCOUNT NUMBER'
0046.00      A                                  6 48'CURRENCY'




If End of File has been reached then the bottom is displayed as indicator that we are turning on in the program is associated with SFLEND(*MRE).



0107.00 C                   IF        %EOF(MASTER)
0108.00 C                   SETON                                        45
0110.00 C                   ENDIF




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