Ü   Test Display File using STRSDA


·         Start SDA (Screen Design Aid) and select option-3.


                            Screen Design Aid (SDA)                            
 Select one of the following:                                                  
      1. Design screens                                                        
      2. Design menus                                                          
      3. Test display files                                                    
 Selection or command                                                          
 ===> 3                                                                        
 F1=Help   F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F9=Retrieve   F12=Cancel 



·         Now select the display file and the record that you want to test as shown below:


                               Test Display File                               
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                    
   Display file . . . . . . . . . . . . .   WIND_DSP2    Name, F4 for list     
     Library  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     AMIT       Name, *LIBL ...       
   Record to be tested  . . . . . . . . .   WIN001       Name, F4 for list     
   Additional records to display  . . . .                Name, F4 for list     
 F3=Exit     F4=Prompt     F12=Cancel  


·         You will be prompted with a screen to fill the output field that will be displayed on the screen


                              Set Test Output Data                             
 Record . . . :   WIN001                                                       
 Type indicators and output field values, press Enter.                         
 Field         Value                                                           
ORG           666:___________________________
ACC           OOOOOOOOOOOO:__________________
CCY           OOO:___________________________
 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel          


·          Here I have filled the field value with the data as shown below:                     


                              Set Test Output Data                             
 Record . . . :   WIN001                                                       
 Type indicators and output field values, press Enter.                         
 Field         Value                                                           
 ORG           190:                                                            
 ACC           A00000000001:                                                   
 CCY           EUR:                                                            
 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel    

·         Press ENTER, Here is the screen window.

         ............... SAMPLE WINDOW ..............  
         :                                          :                          
         :                                          :                           
         :  190        A00000000001      EUR        :   
         :                                          : 
         :                                          :                           
         :                                          :                           
         :                                          :                          
         :                                          :                           
         :                                          :   
         :                                          : 
         :                                          :                           
         :                                          :                          
         :                                          :                           
         :    F12 = PREVIOUS                        :                             
         :                                          :                          

·         When you press F12 indicator *IN12 will be *ON.



                            Display Test Input Data                            
 Record . . . :   WIN001                                                        
 View indicators and input field values.                                       
 Field         Value                                                           
 *IN12         1:                                                              
 Press Enter to continue                                                       
 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel     F14=Display input buffer                             






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