Ü    CLRL (Clear Line)

·         This keyword can be used at record level to specify that a specific number of lines that is to be cleared before displaying the record.

·         The format of this keyword is as below:

·         CLRL( Parm)


§  Parm= *NO

§  Parm= *ALL

§  Parm = nn(1 to 24 for 24*80 display)  or  (1 to 27 for 27*132 display)

§  Parm =*END






Case (1):   CLRL(*NO)


§  When Parm=*NO, then no lines are cleared before displaying the record. In case of overlapping, the lines that are overlapped are not cleared i.e. there will be partial overlapping and some of the overlapped portion will still be displayed.


Columns . . . :    1 100                  Browse                          IROBO1/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                                DSP5
FMT DP .....AAN01N02N03T.Name++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions++++++++++++ ... 9 ...+... 0
*************** Beginning of data ********************************************************
0001.00      A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
0002.00      A                                      CA03(03 'EXIT')
0003.00      A          R DETAIL001
0004.00      A                                      CLRL(*NO)
0005.00      A            FLD01         10Y 3B  3 15
0006.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0007.00      A                                  3  2'FIELD-01: '
0008.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0009.00      A            FLD02         20Y 3B  4 15
0010.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0011.00      A                                  4  2'FIELD-02: '
0012.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0013.00      A          R DETAIL002                 CLRL(*NO)
0014.00      A            FLD11         15Y 3B  3 20
0015.00      A                                  3  5'FIELD-11: '
0016.00      A            FLD12         25Y 3B  4 20
0017.00      A                                  4  5'FIELD-12: '
0018.00      A            FLD13         35Y 3B  5 20
0019.00      A                                  5  5'FIELD-13: '
****************** End of data **********************************************************





Columns . . . :    6 100                Browse                          IROBO1/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                          PGM_DSP5
FMT FX FFilename++IPEASF.....L.....A.Device+.Keywords+++++++++++++++Comments++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ******************************************************
0001.00 FDSP5      CF   E             WORKSTN
0002.00 C                   eval      fld11=1122334.455
0003.00 C                   eval      fld12=111222333444555.455
0004.00 C                   eval      fld13=11112222333344445555.455
0005.00 C                   dow       *in03=*off
0006.00 C   03              leave
0007.00 C                   exfmt     Detail001
0008.00 C                   exfmt     Detail002
0009.00 C                   enddo
0010.00 C                   seton                                        lr
****************** End of data **********************************************************






Record format DETAIL001 is in yellow color and 2nd record format DETAIL002 is in green color. Hence, if there is any overlapping it will be clearly visible.


FI FIELD-11:  000 000001122334455
FI FIELD-12:  000 0000000111222333444555455
   FIELD-13:      00000000000011112222333344445555455

If we press ENTER to display another record format, then below is the output:

FIELD-01:  : 0000000000  22334455
FIELD-02:  : 00000000000000000000  44555455
   FIELD-13:      00000000000011112222333344445555455



Case (2):   CLRL(*ALL)


·         When Parm=*ALL, then all lines are cleared before displaying the record.


Now we change the display file keyword to CLRL(*ALL) for record format DETAIL001 as shown below:


Columns . . . :    1 100                  Browse                        IROBO1/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                              DSP5
FMT DP .....AAN01N02N03T.Name++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions++++++++++++ ...+... 9
*************** Beginning of data ******************************************************
0001.00      A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
0002.00      A                                      CA03(03 'EXIT')
0003.00      A          R DETAIL001
0004.00      A                                      CLRL(*ALL)
0005.00      A            FLD01         10Y 3B  3 15
0006.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0007.00      A                                  3  2'FIELD-01: '
0008.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0009.00      A            FLD02         20Y 3B  4 15
0010.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0011.00      A                                  4  2'FIELD-02: '
0012.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0013.00      A          R DETAIL002                 CLRL(*ALL)
0014.00      A            FLD11         15Y 3B  3 20
0015.00      A                                  3  5'FIELD-11: '
0016.00      A            FLD12         25Y 3B  4 20
0017.00      A                                  4  5'FIELD-12: '
0018.00      A            FLD13         35Y 3B  5 20
0019.00      A                                  5  5'FIELD-13: '
****************** End of data *********************************************************




Since everything is cleared, there won’t be anything like overlapping here.


FIELD-01:    0000000000
FIELD-02:    00000000000000000000

Press ENTER to see another record format.

FIELD-11:      000001122334455
FIELD-12:      0000000111222333444555455
FIELD-13:      00000000000011112222333344445555455

Case (3):  CLRL(nn)


·         When Parm=nn, then the clearance starts from the very first line of the record and continues up to  nn specified.


Now we change the display file keyword to CLRL(1) for record format DETAIL001 as shown below:


Columns . . . :    1 100                  Browse                        IROBO1/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                              DSP5
FMT DP .....AAN01N02N03T.Name++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions++++++++++++ ...+... 9 ...+.
*************** Beginning of data ***************************************************
0001.00      A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
0002.00      A                                      CA03(03 'EXIT')
0003.00      A          R DETAIL001
0004.00      A                                      CLRL(1)
0005.00      A            FLD01         10Y 3B  3 15
0006.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0007.00      A                                  3  2'FIELD-01: '
0008.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0009.00      A            FLD02         20Y 3B  4 15
0010.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0011.00      A                                  4  2'FIELD-02: '
0012.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0013.00      A          R DETAIL002                 CLRL(*ALL)
0014.00      A            FLD11         15Y 3B  3 20
0015.00      A                                  3  5'FIELD-11: '
0016.00      A            FLD12         25Y 3B  4 20
0017.00      A                                  4  5'FIELD-12: '
0018.00      A            FLD13         35Y 3B  5 20
0019.00      A                                  5  5'FIELD-13: '
****************** End of data *******************************************************


CLRL(1) means that 1 lines starting from FIELD-01 will be cleared. Hence the 2nd and 3rd fields will be overlaid.

FIELD-01:  : 0000000000
FIELD-02:  : 00000000000000000000  44555455
   FIELD-13:      00000000000011112222333344445555455


Press Enter…


FIELD-11:      000001122334455
FIELD-12:      0000000111222333444555455
FIELD-13:      00000000000011112222333344445555455


Case (4):  CLRL(*END)

·         When Parm=*END, then the clearance starts from the very first field of the record and continues up to  END of the display i.e. 24 or 27.


Columns . . . :    1 100                  Browse                        IROBO1/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                              DSP5
FMT DP .....AAN01N02N03T.Name++++++RLen++TDpBLinPosFunctions++++++++++++ ...+... 9 ...+
*************** Beginning of data ******************************************************
0001.00      A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
0002.00      A                                      CA03(03 'EXIT')
0003.00      A          R DETAIL001
0004.00      A                                      CLRL(*ALL)
0005.00      A            FLD01         10Y 3B  3 15
0006.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0007.00      A                                  3  2'FIELD-01: '
0008.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0009.00      A            FLD02         20Y 3B  4 15
0010.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0011.00      A                                  4  2'FIELD-02: '
0012.00      A                                      COLOR(YLW)
0013.00      A          R DETAIL002                 CLRL(*ALL)
0014.00      A            FLD11         15Y 3B  3 20
0015.00      A                                  3  5'FIELD-11: '
0016.00      A            FLD12         25Y 3B  4 20
0017.00      A                                  4  5'FIELD-12: '
0018.00      A            FLD13         35Y 3B  5 20
0019.00      A                                  5  5'FIELD-13: '
****************** End of data **********************************************************




Here the clearing will start from FIELD-01 and will continue upto END.

Since everything is cleared, there won’t be anything like overlapping here.


FIELD-01:    0000000000
FIELD-02:    00000000000000000000

Press ENTER to see another record format.


FIELD-11:      000001122334455
FIELD-12:      0000000111222333444555455
FIELD-13:      00000000000011112222333344445555455




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