ILE RPG Exception Handling

Exceptions: If a program doesn’t behave in its normal way and discontinues or gets interrupted further processing, then it is called exception.

There are 2 classes of exceptions that we may face:

1.      File exception

e.g. Undefined record type or a device error, Record lock, Update operation attempted without a prior read

2.      Program exception

e.g. Divide by zero, array index out-of-bound, Invalid Date, Time or Timestamp value.


We can see all the program/file related system messages using the command below:


The below table lists some of the commonly used Status Codes.

00100  Value out of range for string operation
00102  Divide by zero
00112  Invalid Date, Time or Timestamp value.
00121  Array index not valid
00122  OCCUR outside of range
00202  Called program or procedure failed
00211  Error calling program or procedure
00222  Pointer or parameter error
00401  Data area specified on IN/OUT not found
00413  Error on IN/OUT operation
00414  User not authorized to use data area
00415  User not authorized to change data area
00907  Decimal data error (digit or sign not valid)
01021  Tried to write a record that already exists (file being used has unique keys
       and key is duplicate, or attempted to write duplicate relative record number to
       a subfile).     
01211  File not open.
01218  Record already locked.
01221  Update operation attempted without a prior read. 


Status codes

 %STATUS provides a five-digit status code that identifies the error. Program status codes are in the range 00100 to 00999 and File status codes are in the range 01000 to 01999. Status codes in the range 00000 to 00050 are considered to be normal (i.e., they are not set by an exception/error condition).


ILE RPG provides four methods of handling RPG exceptions with the exception handling priority decreasing from 1st to 4th:


  1. Specify an error indicator in positions 73 - 74 of the calculation specifications of the appropriate operation code.


Specify the operation code extender 'E' for the appropriate operation code.

Either of these two can be used at a time but not both.

  1. Include the code that produces the exception within a MONITOR group.
  2. Code a file error subroutine, which is defined by the INFSR keyword on a file description specification, for file exceptions. The file error subroutine can only be coded in the main source section. You cannot code an INFSR for a file that is used in a subprocedure.


Code a program error subroutine, which is named *PSSR, for program exceptions. Note that a *PSSR is local to the procedure in which it is coded. This means that a *PSSR in a main procedure will handle only those program errors associated with the main procedure. Similarly, a *PSSR in a subprocedure will only handle the errors in that subprocedure.

4.      Default exception handler


        Priority of Exception handling


If any exception occurs then as per the highest priority the error indicator or ‘E’ operator extender will be checked if it no found then the unhandled exception( as it was not handled by this 1st method) will look for MONITOR block. If MONITOR block is also not present then it will look for File exception/error subroutine(INFSR) or program exception/error subroutine (*PSSR). If after this also the exception remains unhandled then it will go for default handler.



All above 4 methods with examples are given below:


1.      (a) Using Error indicator

If an error indicator is present on the calculation specification and the exception is one that is expected for that operation:

    1. The indicator is set on
    2. The exception is handled
    3. Control resumes with the next ILE RPG operation.


Columns . . . :    6  80                      Browse                          AMITCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                             E_OP_EXTN2
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ****************************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*SRCSTMT)                                                               130122
0002.00 FCUST      UF A E             DISK    USROPN                                    130122
0003.00                                                                                 130121
0004.00 C     1             SETLL     CUSTR                                66           130122
0005.00 C                   EXSR      @ERROR                                            130122
0006.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='AMI'                                      130122
0007.00 C                   UPDATE    CUSTR                                66           130122
0008.00 C                   EXSR      @ERROR                                            130122
0009.00 C                   SETON                                        LR             130122
0010.00  *                                                                              130122
0011.00 C     @ERROR        BEGSR                                                       130122
0012.00 C                   IF        *IN66=*ON                                         130122
0013.00 C                   IF        %STATUS(CUST)=1211                                130122
0014.00 C                   OPEN      CUST                                              130122
0015.00 C                   ELSEIF    %STATUS(CUST)=1221                                130122
0016.00 C                   READ(E)   CUST                                              130122
0017.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='AMI'                                      130122
0018.00 C                   UPDATE(E) CUSTR                                             130122
0019.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130122
0020.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130122
0021.00 C                   ENDSR                                                       130122
****************** End of data ******************************************************



File CUST will be updated successfully. 


1.      (b) Using Operator Extender (E)

If an 'E' operation code extender is present on the calculation specification and error indicator is not present then the error occurred will be handled by this operator extender.

But this operator extender’s use is limited only to the op-codes listed below:

ACQ       CLOSE       OCCUR       REL         TEST



CALL      DELETE      OUT         REALLOC     WRITE

CALLB     DSPLY       POST        SCAN        XLATE

CALLP     EXFMT       READ        SETGT       XML-INTO


CHECK     FEOD        READP       SUBDUR

CHECKR    IN          READPE      SUBST


The error will be handled using the built-in functions %STATUS and %ERROR.

Control resumes with the next ILE RPG operation.



Columns . . . :    6  80                                                    AMITCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                            E_OP_EXTN3
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data *************************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*SRCSTMT)                                                               130122
0002.00 FCUST      UF A E             DISK    USROPN                                    130122
0003.00                                                                                 130121
0006.00 C     1             SETLL(E)  CUSTR                                             130123
0008.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='AMI'                                      130123
0009.00 C                   UPDATE(E) CUSTR                                             130122
0011.00 C                   SETON                                        LR             130122
****************** End of data ******************************************************



Here you won't get any error but there will be logical error i.e. file CUST will not get updated.



Columns . . . :    6  80                                                    AMITCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                           E_OP_EXTND
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ************************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*SRCSTMT)                                                               130122
0002.00 FCUST      UF A E             DISK    USROPN                                    130122
0003.00                                                                                 130121
0004.00 C     1             SETLL(E)  CUSTR                                             130123
0005.00 C                   EXSR      @ERROR                                            130123
0006.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='CCC'                                      130123
0007.00 C                   UPDATE(E) CUSTR                                             130122
0008.00 C                   EXSR      @ERROR                                            130123
0009.00 C                   SETON                                        LR             130122
0010.00  *                                                                              130122
0011.00 C     @ERROR        BEGSR                                                       130122
0012.00 C                   IF        %ERROR()                                          130122
0013.00 C                   IF        %STATUS(CUST)=1211                                130122
0014.00 C                   OPEN      CUST                                              130122
0015.00 C                   ELSEIF    %STATUS(CUST)=1221                                130122
0016.00 C                   READ(E)   CUST                                              130122
0017.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='CCC'                                      130123
0018.00 C                   UPDATE(E) CUSTR                                             130122
0019.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130122
0020.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130122
0021.00 C                   ENDSR                                                       130122
****************** End of data ****************************************************



File CUST will be updated successfully.   



2.      Using Monitor Block

§  If no error indicator or 'E' extender is present and the code that generates the exception is in the MONITOR block of a MONITOR group, control will pass to the on-error section of the MONITOR group.

§  V5R1 saw the introduction of a MONITOR group: it allows you to monitor a number of statements for potential errors, as opposed to checking them one at a time.

§  The code for which you want to trap exception errors is placed in a MONITOR group. If an exception/error is issued for any of the operations (between the MONITOR and the first ON-ERROR operation), control passes to the first ON-ERROR statement.

§  After the MONITOR statement, control passes to the next statement.

§  If all the statements in the MONITOR block are processed without errors, control passes to the statement following the ENDMON statement.

§  The monitor group can be specified anywhere in calculations. It can be nested within IF, DO, SELECT, or other monitor groups. The IF, DO, and SELECT groups can be nested within monitor groups.

§  If a monitor group is nested within another monitor group, the innermost group is considered first when an error occurs. If that monitor group does not handle the error condition, the next group is considered.

§  Monitor block structure:

// Code to monitor
On-Error statuscode1 : statuscode2 :statuscode3;
// Handle Error related to statuscode1 or statuscode2 or statuscode3
On-Error *FILE;
// Handles all file-error status codes, from 01000 to 09999
On-Error *PROGRAM;
// Handles all program-error status codes, from 00100 to 00999
On-Error *ALL;
// Handles both program-error and file-error codes, from 00100 to 09999. This is the  



Columns . . . :    6  80               Browse                                    AMITCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                                 MONITORPG2
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data *******************************************************
0002.00 FCUST      UF A E             DISK    USROPN
0004.00  *_________________________________________________________
0005.00  *
0006.00 C                   MONITOR
0007.00  *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0008.00  *
0009.00 C                   MONITOR
0010.00 C     1             SETLL     CUSTR
0011.00 C                   ON-ERROR  1211      >>>>>>> If the error is ‘file CUST not OPEN’, then
0012.00 C                   OPEN      CUST                      open the file CUST
0013.00 C                   ENDMON
0014.00  *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0015.00  *
0016.00 C                   MONITOR
0017.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='OOO'
0018.00 C                   UPDATE    CUSTR
0019.00 C                   ON-ERROR  1215     >>> If the error is ‘Update without prior INPUT/READ
0020.00 C                   READ(E)   CUST              operation’, then READ the file.
0021.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='OOO'
0022.00 C                   UPDATE(E) CUSTR
0023.00 C                   ENDMON
0024.00  *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0025.00  *
0026.00 C                   ON-ERROR  *FILE
0027.00 C                   DUMP(A)          >>> If the error is ‘any unhandled file error’ then
0028.00 C                   ON-ERROR                             take the DUMP’.
0029.00 C                   DUMP(A)
0030.00 C                   ENDMON
0031.00  *_________________________________________________________
0032.00  *
0033.00 C                   SETON                                        LR
0034.00  *
0035.00  *
****************** End of data ***********************************************************


3.      Using *PSSR for program exception & INFSR for file exception

If No error indicator or 'E' extender is present, No active MONITOR group could handle the exception, then the exception handling will be done by:

    • *PSSR error subroutine for program exception/errors.


    • INFSR error subroutine for the file and the exception is an I/O exception,

The control will resume at the first statement of the error subroutine.

¤ 2 Ways to handle file error/exceptions:


a.      INFSR (File Error subroutine name)

First we can mention INFSR (INFSR1) keyword where INFSR1 is the user defined file error subroutine.

b.      INFSR (*PSSR)

                  Second way is to use *PSSR program error subroutine to handle the file errors. Specifying INFSR (*PSSR)

                 means that you want the "standard" *PSSR subroutine to handle the file exceptions also along with

                 program exceptions.


a.      INFSR (File Error subroutine name)


Columns . . . :    6  80                      Browse                          AMITCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                               PSSR_PGM2
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data *****************************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*SRCSTMT)                                                               130122
0002.00 FCUST      UF A E             DISK    USROPN INFSR(INFSR1)                      130122
0003.00 F                                            INFDS(INFDS1)                      130122
0004.00 DINFDS1           DS                                                            130122
0005.00 DFILE_STATUS        *STATUS                                                     130122
0006.00  *                                                                              130122
0007.00 C  N441             SETLL     CUSTR                                             130124
0008.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='LLL'                                      130122
0009.00 C                   UPDATE    CUSTR                                             130122
0010.00 C                   SETON                                        LR             130122
0011.00  *                                                                              130122
0012.00 C     INFSR1        BEGSR                                                       130122
0013.00 C                   IF        FILE_STATUS=1211                                  130122
0014.00 C                   OPEN      CUST                                              130122
0015.00 C                   MOVE      '*GETIN'      Returncd          6                 130124
0016.00 C                   ELSEIF    FILE_STATUS=1221                                  130123
0017.00 C                   READ(E)   CUST                                              130122
0018.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='LLL'                                      130122
0019.00 C                   SETON                                        44             130124
0020.00 C                   MOVE      '*GETIN'      Returncd                            130124
0021.00 C                   ELSE                                                        130123
0022.00 C                   MOVE      '*CANCL'      Returncd                            130124
0023.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130122
0024.00 C                   ENDSR     Returncd                                          130124
****************** End of data *********************************************************


*** The INFSR keyword cannot be specified if the keyword NOMAIN is specified on the control specification or if the file is to be accessed by a subprocedure or in other words we can't use a file in a subprocedure if the INFSR keyword is coded for the file.



This is the 2nd way to handle file exception/erros.

When we don't use INFSR(*PSSR) then *PSSR subroutine only handles program errors, not the file errors. But when we mention INFSR(*PSSR), then the exception is handled for file error by *PSSR.



Columns . . . :    6  80                 Browse                             AMITCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                             PSSR_PGM4
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ***************************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*SRCSTMT)                                                               130122
0002.00 FCUST      UF A E             DISK    USROPN INFSR(*PSSR)                       130131
0003.00 F                                            INFDS(INFDS1)                      130122
0004.00 DINFDS1           DS                                                            130122
0005.00 DFILE_STATUS        *STATUS                                                     130122
0006.00  *                                                                              130122
0007.00 C  N441             SETLL     CUSTR                                             130124
0008.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='MMM'                                      130131
0009.00 C                   UPDATE    CUSTR                                             130122
0010.00 C                   SETON                                        LR             130122
0011.00  *                                                                              130122
0012.00 C     *PSSR         BEGSR                                                       130131
0013.00 C                   IF        FILE_STATUS=1211                                  130122
0014.00 C                   OPEN      CUST                                              130122
0015.00 C                   MOVE      '*GETIN'      Returncd          6                 130124
0016.00 C                   ELSEIF    FILE_STATUS=1221                                  130123
0017.00 C                   READ(E)   CUST                                              130122
0018.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='MMM'                                      130131
0019.00 C                   SETON                                        44             130124
0020.00 C                   MOVE      '*GETIN'      Returncd                            130124
0021.00 C                   ELSE                                                        130123
0022.00 C                   MOVE      '*CANCL'      Returncd                            130124
0023.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130122
0024.00 C                   ENDSR     Returncd                                          130124
****************** End of data *******************************************************



The problem with PSSR concept is its poor handling of nested errors. If an error occurs inside of a PSSR, it will invoke the PSSR again, recursively. So unless you have a bunch of code in place to detect the nested failure, your program will go into a hard loop.



Hence, by using INFSR (*PSSR), we can make a single *PSSR subroutine that will handle both file exceptions and program exceptions exception.


Example: Single *PSSR handling both file and program exceptions.


Columns . . . :    6  80              Browse                                 AMITCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                              PSSR_PGM5
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ****************************************************
0001.00 HOPTION(*SRCSTMT)                                                               130122
0002.00 FCUST      UF A E             DISK    USROPN INFSR(*PSSR)                       130131
0003.00 F                                            INFDS(INFDS1)                      130122
0004.00 DINFDS1           DS                                                            130122
0005.00 DFILE_STATUS        *STATUS                                                     130122
0006.00  *                                                                              130122
0007.00 DMYPSDS          SDS                                                            130131
0008.00 DPROC_NAME          *PROC                                                       130131
0009.00  * Procedure name                                                               130131
0010.00 DPGM_STATUS         *STATUS                                                     130131
0011.00  * Status code                                                                  130131
0012.00 D LINE_NUM               21     28                                              130131
0013.00  * Source statement line no.                                                    130131
0014.00  *                                                                              130131
0015.00                                                                                 130131
0016.00 DA                S              2  0 INZ(*ZEROS)                               130131
0017.00 DB                S              2  0 INZ(10)                                   130131
0018.00 DC                S              2  0 INZ(*ZEROS)                               130131
0019.00 D@ERR             S             50    INZ(*BLANKS)                              130131
0020.00  *                                                                              130131
0021.00 C     B             DIV       A             C                    667788         130131
0022.00 C     TAG1          TAG                                                         130131
0023.00 C     'C=Infinite'  DSPLY                                                       130131
0024.00                                                                                 130131
0025.00 C     TAG2          TAG                                                         130131
0026.00 C  N441             SETLL     CUSTR                                             130124
0027.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='MMM'                                      130131
0028.00 C     TAG3          TAG                                                         130131
0029.00 C                   UPDATE    CUSTR                                             130122
0030.00 C                   SETON                                        LR             130122
0031.00  *                                                                              130122
0032.00 C     *PSSR         BEGSR                                                       130131
0033.00 C                   IF        FILE_STATUS=01211                                 130131
0034.00 C                   OPEN      CUST                                              130122
0035.00 C                   GOTO      TAG2                                              130131
0036.00 C                   ELSEIF    FILE_STATUS=01221                                 130131
0037.00 C                   READ(E)   CUST                                              130122
0038.00 C                   EVAL      CSNAME='MMM'                                      130131
0039.00 C                   SETON                                        44             130124
0040.00 C                   GOTO      TAG3                                              130131
0041.00 C                   ELSEIF    FILE_STATUS=00000  AND PGM_STATUS=00000           130131
0042.00 C                   LEAVESR                                                     130131
0043.00 C                   ELSEIF    FILE_STATUS=00000  AND PGM_STATUS<>00000          130131
0044.00 C*------------------Do nothing                                                  130131
0045.00 C                   ELSE                                                        130131
0046.00 C     'FILE  ERR'   DSPLY                                                       130131
0047.00 C                   MOVE      '*CANCL'      Returncd          6                 130131
0048.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130122
0049.00  *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -         130131
0050.00 C                   IF        PGM_STATUS=00102                                  130131
0051.00 C                   EVAL      @ERR='Error at line no.'+                         130131
0052.00 C                                  LINE_NUM + ' with status code '+             130131
0053.00 c                                  %CHAR(PGM_STATUS)                            130131
0054.00 C     @ERR          DSPLY                                                       130131
0055.00 C                   RESET                   PGM_STATUS                          130131
0056.00 C                   GOTO      TAG1                                              130131
0057.00 C                   ELSEIF    PGM_STATUS=00000                                  130131
0058.00 C                   LEAVESR                                                     130131
0059.00 C                   ELSE                                                        130131
0060.00 C     'PGM   ERR'   DSPLY                                                       130131
0061.00 C                   MOVE      '*CANCL'      Retur             6                 130131
0062.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130131
0063.00 C                   RESET                   PGM_STATUS                          130131
0064.00 C                   ENDSR     Returncd                                          130124
0065.00                                                                                 130131
****************** End of data *******************************************************


DSPLY  Error at line no.00002100 with status code 102                   
DSPLY  C=Infinite                                  




4.    Default exception handler

If no error indicator, 'E' extender, or error subroutine is coded and no active MONITOR group could handle the exception, then the RPG default error handler is invoked.

a.       If the exception is not a function check, then the exception will be percolated.

b.      If the exception is a function check, then an inquiry message will be displayed. If the 'G' or 'R' option is chosen, the function check will be handled and control will resume at the appropriate point (*GETIN for 'G' or the same calculation specification that received the exception for 'R') in the procedure. Otherwise, the function check will be percolated and the procedure will be abnormally terminated.



In the snapshot below we get closed file error and the message is sent to the External message queue with an inquiry message that is because the default exception handler comes into play the role of exception handling.

                           Display Program Messages                            
 Job 915341/IROBO/QPADEV0007 started on 01/23/13 at 01:21:10 in subsystem QINT  
 I/O operation was applied to closed file CUST (C G D F).                      
 Type reply, press Enter.                                                      
 Reply . . ._______________________________________________________________
 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                           


Press F1 on the message to see the details:

                         Additional Message Information                        
 Message ID . . . . . . :   RNQ1211       Severity . . . . . . . :   99        
 Message type . . . . . :   Inquiry                                            
 Date sent  . . . . . . :   01/23/13      Time sent  . . . . . . :   01:23:24  
 Message . . . . :   I/O operation was applied to closed file CUST (C G D F).  
 Cause . . . . . :   RPG procedure E_OP_EXTND in program AMITCC/E_OP_EXTND at  
   statement 000600 attempted operation SETLL on file CUST while the file was  
 Recovery  . . . :   Contact the person responsible for program maintenance to 
   determine the cause of the problem.                                         
 Possible choices for replying to message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :      
   D -- Obtain RPG formatted dump.                                             
   S -- Obtain system dump.                                                    
   G -- Continue processing at *GETIN.                                         
   C -- Cancel.                                                                
   F -- Obtain full formatted dump.                                            
 Press Enter to continue.                                                      
 F3=Exit   F6=Print   F9=Display message details                               
 F10=Display messages in job log   F12=Cancel   F21=Select assistance level    




Differences between OPM and ILE RPG Exception Handling

The main difference between the handling of OPM and ILE RPG exception handling is Percolation.

¤ Percolation

In an OPM environment, a program that is well down the call stack receives an exception/error. If the program does not have any exception/error handling, the RPG default handler will issue a function check message.

In an ILE environment, a subprocedure or a program that is well down the call stack receives an exception/error. If the subprocedure or program does not have any exception/error handling specified, the message is sent back up the call stack to the calling procedure. If the calling procedure does not have any exception/error handling defined, the message is again sent back up the call stack to the calling procedure and so on until the AG control boundary is reached.

For example, consider the following example:

  • PGM A calls PGM B, which in turn calls PGM C.
  • PGM B has an error indicator coded for the call.
  • PGM C has no error indicator or *PSSR error subroutine coded.
  • PGM C gets an exception.

In OPM, an inquiry message would be issued for PGM C. In ILE, the exception is percolated to PGM B, since it is unhandled by PGM C. The error indicator in PGM B is turned on allowing PGM B to handle the error, and in the process PGM C ends abnormally. There is no inquiry message.

If PGM C has a *PSSR error subroutine coded, then in both OPM and ILE, the exception is handled by PGM C and the error subroutine is run.


Columns . . . :    6  80             Edit                                     AMITCC/QRPGLESRC
SEU==>                                                                             E_OP_EXTN4
FMT H  HKeywords++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
*************** Beginning of data ****************************************************
0001.00 HDftActGrp(*No) ActGrp('TEST1')                                                 130124
0002.00 DCALL1            PR                                                            130124
0003.00  *                                                                              130124
0004.00 DMYPSDS          SDS                                                            130124
0005.00 DPROC_NAME          *PROC                                                       130124
0006.00  * Procedure name                                                               130124
0007.00 DPGM_STATUS         *STATUS                                                     130124
0008.00  * Status code                                                                  130124
0009.00 D LINE_NUM               21     28                                              130124
0010.00  * Source statement line no.                                                    130124
0011.00  *                                                                              130124
0012.00 D@ERR             S             50    INZ(*BLANKS)                              130124
0013.00                                                                                 130121
0014.00 C  N44              CALLP     CALL1                                             130124
0015.00 C                   SETON                                        LR             130122
0016.00  *                                                                              130122
0017.00 C     *PSSR         BEGSR                                                       130124
0018.00 C                   IF        PGM_STATUS=00202                                  130124
0019.00 C                   EVAL      @ERR='Error at line no.'+                         130124
0020.00 C                                  LINE_NUM + ' with status code '+             130124
0021.00 C                                  %CHAR(PGM_STATUS)                            130124
0022.00 C     @ERR          DSPLY                                                       130124
0023.00 C                   MOVE      '*GETIN'      Returncd          6                 130124
0024.00 C                   ELSE                                                        130124
0025.00 C     'FATAL ERR'   DSPLY                                                       130124
0026.00 C                   MOVE      '*CANCL'      Returncd                            130124
0027.00 C                   ENDIF                                                       130124
0028.00 C                   SETON                                        44             130124
0029.00 C                   ENDSR     Returncd                                          130124
0030.00                                                                                 130124
0031.00  *                                                                              130124
0032.00 PCALL1            B                                                             130124
0033.00 Da                s              1  0 inz(*zeros)                               130124
0034.00 Db                s              2  0 inz(10)                                   130124
0035.00 Dc                s              1  0 inz(*zeros)                               130124
0036.00 C                   EVAL      c=b/a                                             130124
0037.00 PCALL1            E                                                             130124
0038.00  *                                                                              130124
****************** End of data *******************************************************



DSPLY  Error at line no.00000014 with status code 202


The above output had become possible because of percolation only.4



Exception Handling within Subprocedures

Exception handling within a subprocedure differs from a main procedure in the following ways:

  • Because you cannot code an INFSR subroutine, you should handle file errors using error indicators, the 'E' operation code extender, or a MONITOR group.
  • There is no default handler; in other words, users will never see an inquiry message.

Exception handling within a subprocedure differs from a main procedure primarily because there is no RPG cycle code generated for subprocedures. As a result there is no default exception handler for subprocedures and so situations where the default handler would be called for a main procedure correspond to abnormal end of the subprocedure. This means that:

  • Factor 2 of an ENDSR operation for a *PSSR subroutine within a subprocedure must be blank i.e. we cannot use *GETIN, *CANCL or *DETC for factor 2 as it is used in a case we are dealing with default exception handler.
  • If there is no *PSSR and a function check occurs, the procedure is removed from the call stack and the exception is percolated to the caller.
  • Since an inquiry message is never issued for an error in a subprocedure, you do not have access to the 'Retry' function available for some I/O errors. If you expect record-lock errors in a subprocedure, you should code an error indicator or an 'E' extender and check if the status is related to a record being locked.


·         A *PSSR is local to the procedure in which it is coded; therefore, to have a common error routine, you can code a procedure to handle the error and call the procedure from each local *PSSR.


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