·         It acts as a query builder where we can make our query based on the options provided.

·         It is used to access records of selected format of selected member of a file and to save the selected query result in a query file.

·         Once the query is saved we can change it, display the result of it and also can copy it.


Below is the File CUST for which we will see how to make use of WRKQRY.


                           Work with Members Using PDM                 USALID09
 File  . . . . . .   CUST                                                      
   Library . . . .     AMIT                 Position to  . . . . .             
 Type options, press Enter.                                                    
   3=Copy    4=Delete         5=Display   7=Rename    8=Display description    
   9=Save    13=Change text   18=Change using DFU     25=Find string ...       
 Opt  Member      Date        Text                                             
      CUST        07/27/12                                                     
      MBR2        07/23/12                                                     
      MBR3        07/23/12                                                     
 Parameters or command                                                         
 F3=Exit          F4=Prompt             F5=Refresh            F6=Create        
 F9=Retrieve      F10=Command entry     F23=More options      F24=More keys    




Type WRKQRY è PRESS ENTER è Give the query name


                               Work with Queries                               
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                    
   Option  . . . . . .   1              1=Create, 2=Change, 3=Copy, 4=Delete   
                                        5=Display, 6=Print definition          
                                        8=Run in batch, 9=Run                  
   Query . . . . . . .   QRY1           Name, F4 for list                      
     Library . . . . .     QTEMP        Name, *LIBL, F4 for list               

 F3=Exit       F4=Prompt       F5=Refresh       F12=Cancel        



Once we press Enter, we find the below options to build the query.


                                Define the Query                               
 Query . . . . . . :   QRY1              Option  . . . . . :   CREATE          
   Library . . . . :     QTEMP           CCSID . . . . . . :      37           
 Type options, press Enter.  Press F21 to select all.                          
 Opt    Query Definition Option                                                
  1     Specify file selections                                                 
        Define result fields                                                   
        Select and sequence fields                                             
        Select records                                                         
        Select sort fields                                                     
        Select collating sequence                                              
        Specify report column formatting                                       
        Select report summary functions                                        
        Define report breaks                                                   
        Select output type and output form                                     
        Specify processing options                                             
 F3=Exit            F5=Report          F12=Cancel                              
 F13=Layout         F18=Files          F21=Select all                          



Press Enter to get the screen below.


                          Specify File Selections                             
 Type choices, press Enter.  Press F9 to specify an additional                 
   file selection.                                                              
   File . . . . . . . . .   CUST           Name, F4 for list                   
     Library  . . . . . .     AMIT         Name, *LIBL, F4 for list            
   Member . . . . . . . .   *FIRST         Name, *FIRST, F4 for list <<< We can select any member
   Format . . . . . . . .   *FIRST         Name, *FIRST, F4 for list <<< We can select any format
 F3=Exit           F4=Prompt          F5=Report            F9=Add file         
 F12=Cancel        F13=Layout         F24=More keys                            



Press Enter to get the screen below.


                            Specify File Selections                            
 Type choices, press Enter.  Press F9 to specify an additional                  
   file selection.                                                             
   File . . . . . . . . .   CUST           Name, F4 for list                   
     Library  . . . . . .     AMIT         Name, *LIBL, F4 for list            
   Member . . . . . . . .   MBR2           Name, *FIRST, F4 for list           
   Format . . . . . . . .   CUSTR          Name, *FIRST, F4 for list           
 F3=Exit           F4=Prompt          F5=Report            F9=Add file         
 F12=Cancel        F13=Layout         F24=More keys       
 Select file(s), or press Enter to confirm.     <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



Press Enter to get the screen below.


                                Define the Query                               
 Query . . . . . . :   QRY1              Option  . . . . . :   CREATE          
   Library . . . . :     QTEMP           CCSID . . . . . . :      37           
 Type options, press Enter.  Press F21 to select all.                          
 Opt    Query Definition Option                                                
      > Specify file selections                                                
        Define result fields                                                   
        Select and sequence fields                                             
        Select records                                                         
        Select sort fields                                                     
        Select collating sequence                                              
        Specify report column formatting                                       
        Select report summary functions                                        
        Define report breaks                                                   
        Select output type and output form                                     
        Specify processing options                                             
 F3=Exit            F5=Report                                                  
 F13=Layout         F18=Files          F21=Select all     
 Select options, or press F3 to save or run the query.  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<




After pressing F3, We get the below screen.


                                Exit this Query                                
 Type choices, press Enter.                                                    
   Save definition  . . .   Y              Y=Yes, N=No                         
   Run option . . . . . .   1              1=Run interactively                 
                                           2=Run in batch                      
                                           3=Do not run                        
   For a saved definition:                                                     
     Query  . . . . . . .   QRY1           Name                                
       Library  . . . . .     QTEMP        Name, F4 for list                   
     Text . . . . . . . .                                                      
     Authority  . . . . .   *LIBCRTAUT     *LIBCRTAUT, authorization list name,
                                           *CHANGE, *ALL, *EXCLUDE, *USE       
 F4=Prompt        F5=Report        F12=Cancel        F13=Layout                
 F14=Define the query  



Below is the query result


                                            Display Report
Query . . . :   QTEMP/QRY1                                Report width . . . . . :      43
Position to line  . . . . .                               Shift to column  . . . . . .
Line   ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4...
CSNBR   CSNAME      CS#OPN          CS$OPN
000001 100002  upi              0             .00
000002 100003  KUM              0             .00
****** ********  End of report  ********


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